Sunday, December 30, 2012

Low Calorie Frothy Green Tea Frappuccino

Swatches Galore

Greetings from sunny Florida! The one good thing about being a grad student is having this nice long winter break ;P and lots of time to try out new nail polishes! See below:

 OPI-My Pointe Exactly with OPI-Pirouette My Whistle:

I promise, the quality of the pictures get better after this!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

China Glaze- Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

It wasn't until recently that I became obsessed with nail polish.  In early October, I got a manicure, and something inside of me changed.  That sounds very dramatic, but I began reading nail polish blogs and was intrigued by all of the swatches.  Nail polish is like a cheap accessory that can be changed every day! It's a lot less expensive than handbags or shoes, that's for sure! I currently own 76 different nail polishes.  My favorite brand is OPI.  The formula is perfection, and a wide range of colors are available.  Essie and China Glaze are close seconds, but I think Essie comes out on top.  No doubt about it, China Glaze has the most amazing colors, but the formula in Essie wins out. Zoya is a distant 4th.

 One of my favorite nail polishes to wear any time of year is China Glaze- Yellow Polka Dot Bikini:

Excuse the mess in the background!

Cosmopolitan Cupcake Pops

Merry late Christmas and Happy almost New Year!

I've always loved cooking.  Last year, I started a food blog (, but being the person that I am, I basically dropped off the face of the earth and stopped posting.  So here's to a fresh start.  Since I know pictures tell the story more than words, I'll get right into the recipe for Cosmopolitan Cake Pops:

  So I know they aren't perfect, don't judge! It was my first time making cake pops.

For the recipe on the Cosmopolitan Cake pops, follow me after the jump:

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hello Hello

I think the title is pretty self explanatory.  Nail polish and food... is there any better combination? Keep checking back.. I have lots of swatches and recipes for you to enjoy!